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Top tips for improving waste and recycling

Top tips for improving waste disposal and recycling in Australia

Among Australians one thing we can all agree on is the need for a clean environment, whether that be at work, school or national parks. One clear and easy way to do this is to have three designated waste disposal units due to the majority of commercial and business recycling programs disposing of trash, single stream recycling and organic waste. The way we dispose of waste can have a plethora of benefits including less economic expenditure, a cleaner and healthier environment, benefits to farming practices and the creation of a sustainable future. Here are four hassle free ways to do your part either as an individual or a business:

  • Clean out items you can recycle from any food scraps
  • Flatten cardboard recyclables to fit more in the bin
  • Try out a litter free lunch by using reusable containers
  • Ditch single use coffee cups and instead opt for reusable coffee mugs and reusable water bottles

When it comes to recycling in schools, it has been calculated that each year the average secondary school produces 22kg of waste student. When it comes to primary schools that figure rises to 45kg of waste per student. Of this waste 80% is recyclable. How can we assist kids and schools to better dispose of this waste? Since the majority of recyclable material at school is paper, we need to ensure there are plenty of recycling bins. To reduce the increased compiling of food wastage we also need to ensure there is organic waste bins to reduce food wastage, a simple way to do this is to increase organic waste bins in areas such as canteens.

Having recycling units that can work in conjunction with local government initiatives such as NSWs “Save our Recycling Campaign” helps to collectively decrease our environmental impact. In Australia annually 17 billion bottles and cans are used and of that less than half are recycled due in part to the lack of recycling bins in public spaces, as well as lack of awareness or disregard for the importance of recycling.

In fact, in a single day, we waste enough bottles and cans if we stretched them out it would equal 4000km.

A really important part of recycling bottles is to keep the tops on as they too can be recycled and remade into bike parts, storage bins and shipping pallets.

Organic Waste
Another not commonly mentioned but easy way to recycle is the disposal of food wastage and organic material. Proper disposal of organic materials reduces its environmental impact. Did you know the underutilised recycling of organics and food wastage increases the production of methane and greenhouse gases?! This is due to the breakdown of organic and food wastage without oxygen. Recycling organic and food wastage prevents this. Also, proper disposal of organic and food wastage benefits the structure of soil aiding in water retention and nutrient absorption, improves crop yields and pasture quality for grazing, reduces the need for synthetic fertilisers and inadvertently helps farmers by providing them with material for composting.

Landfill, organic waste and recycling all need to be stored and disposed of efficiently, so the type and number of bins used is extremely important. If rubbish cannot be properly stored, we may as well not throw it away. At Felton we have designed a range of sturdy, high quality, colourful bins surrounds that utilise quality design such as effective chute capture technology to ensure no matter who you are, there is a bin surround for you that will assist in waste disposal and recycling and keeping your environment clean.

If you would like more information on our Bin Surrounds, get in touch with the friendly team on 1800 834 016.


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