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Felton Industries Blog - Urban Spaces

Urban spaces – what are they and how to create an urban space?

Urban spaces are areas within a city that are outside and situated in between buildings. Whether it’s a street, plaza or park, urban spaces provide people with a place to communicate, travel and socially interact. 

Cities and their urban structures are constantly being modified and developed as the needs and demands of the population change. It is essential to assess the demands of the population so a city can accommodate new uses and activities performed in their urban spaces.

Urban spaces can be public or private, green, or paved. They can be designed for people to enjoy a quiet break during their working day, doing their exercise, as a spot for small groups to enjoy time together or to attend a public event such as a concert or market.

Designing an urban space

Recycled plastic used in commercial outdoor picnic tables is created from high density polyethylene (HDPE) which p

There are 5 factors to consider when designing urban spaces.

  1. The flow of movement (walkway, footpaths, streets, pedestrian bridges, etc.)
  2. Outdoor furniture (seatstablessheltersbins, sculptures, etc.)
  3. The greenery (gardens, trees, shrubs, flowerbeds, grasses, etc.)
  4. Physical Infrastructure (lighting, poles, buildings, waterways, facilities, pipelines etc.)
  5. Social Infrastructure (Public buildings, schools, universities, etc.)

Principles of creating an urban space

Designating an area to be used as an urban space is not enough to inspire people to use it. The more popular urban spaces offer something for everyone and have considered the diversity of the lifestyles and needs within the community.

  • A well-designed urban space will be a comfortable place that allows the user to feel relaxed and safe. It should give opportunities for social interaction, allowing people to stop and linger by providing an assortment of good quality and comfortable seating options such as benches and outdoor table settings. Toilet facilities and landscaping will also make a space more inviting and welcoming whilst being practical. Our new Ribbon premium range of street and park furniture has a contemporary architectural design shaped for comfort and effortlessly complements any environment from urban streetscapes to lush parklands. 
  • Being aware of the climate conditions allows you to provide places for people to sit in the sun and shelter them from the wind and rain, which is equally just as important. This consideration ensures the space will be usable in all weather conditions.
  • An inviting urban space should be clean, tidy, and well maintained. A filthy area is not an enticing place. Placing bins in strategic locations which are convenient for people to use will help keep spaces occupied. Ensuring there are enough bins contained in a bin enclosure will provide additional visibility and security. Our Ribbon Bin Enclosure boasts an architectural design with a roof providing rainwater cover, front hinging door and secure locking that keeps an urban space appealing and inviting for everyone.
  • Spaces should encourage social interactions of all types, from large-scale events or markets to small group gatherings. Ensure the area is meaningful so it can be used for either peaceful, restful purposes or ones that incorporate amenities and features that people can directly engage with. These may include bandstands, sports facilities, fountains, play equipment, skating opportunities and lighting displays. 
  • Most importantly, make sure it’s accessible to as many people as possible, including less mobile or elderly people. Having a bike rack or bus stop nearby, with a comfortable, covered bus shelter, gives people without cars access to an area they might not have been able to reach.

The more people that use your urban spaces, and the better designed it is, the greater the returns will be for the city.

So, whether your urban space is a plaza, park, garden, or walkway, designing the space to look comfortable, relaxing, and tidy is an investment worth making.

If you would like more advice and information on designing your urban space and the best practices to use,  get in touch with the experts at Felton Industries.


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