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Top outdoor furniture trends 2023

Top Outdoor Furniture Trends for 2023

If you are considering purchasing outdoor furniture for your organisation this year, its useful to know the top outdoor furniture trends for 2023. Whether you are interested in transforming a school, public space, workplace or other outdoor area, outdoor furniture can hold the key to creating inviting and well-used outdoor spaces. Here are some of the latest developments and styles in outdoor furniture that you may want to consider.

Sustainable materials: In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on using sustainable materials in outdoor furniture. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, with more organisations looking for furniture made from eco-friendly materials such as reclaimed wood and recycled plastic. Felton’s recycled plastic and timber composite outdoor furniture range are a good example of environmentally-friendly outdoor furniture. Aluminium is also considered to be a valuable contributor to sustainable outdoor furniture solutions due to its durability, and recyclable qualities. It is 100% recyclable without degrading in quality, so can be recycled time and time again for different purposes. Felton use a wide range of marine grade aluminium across their outdoor furniture range.

Unique outdoor furniture: Organisations are looking for outdoor furniture that brings style, culture and connection in their outdoor spaces. Felton’s new Caring for Country range is an ideal example of unique new innovative outdoor furniture. The range features stunning indigenous artwork across bench seats, table and chairs and bin enclosures. Not only can the sensational artwork be enjoyed time and time again, but people can scan a QR code on the furniture to watch a video of the artist Brett Parker, Billyara discuss the meaning of the art in front of them, offering insights into indigenous culture and history.

Multi-functional pieces: Another interesting trend is organisations are investigating outdoor furniture that can serve multiple purposes. Pieces such as modular seating, dual purpose outdoor classrooms and lunch areas, and benches with storage are becoming more popular as they offer integrated solutions to outdoor spaces.

Practical and comfortable: As outdoor spaces become more integrated into the overall design of buildings, organisations are looking for outdoor furniture that provides the same level of comfort and practicality as indoor furniture as people seek out more comfortable seating experiences.

Colourful and bold: Outdoor furniture is no longer limited to neutral shades. Organisations are looking to add colour and personality to their outdoor spaces with colourful and bold outdoor furniture. Brightly coloured seating and statement pieces are essential outdoor furniture items into 2023. Felton offer a range of colourful powder-coated seating from kids Ezyseat colourful outdoor furniture to tables and chairs and grandstands which all can be customised with colour to brighten outdoor spaces.

Technology-enabled: Technology-enabled outdoor furniture is becoming more popular, with organisations considering outdoor furniture that can incorporate features such as built-in charging ports, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth capabilities. Using QR codes on outdoor furniture is another way in which outdoor furniture and technology are being intertwined.  

Durability: Outdoor furniture needs to be able to withstand the elements, so durable materials such as aluminum and teak are popular options. Organisations are also looking for furniture that is easy to clean and maintain. Felton’s range of outdoor furniture is made from aluminium which is both low maintenance and highly durable.

Flexibility: With the changing climate and weather patterns, organisations are after outdoor furniture that can be easily moved around, stored, or adjusted to suit different seasons. Felton’s portable bench seating and portable grandstands are good examples of flexible seating options for organisations.

How Felton can help

Whether your organisation is looking to create comfortable colourful outdoor recreation areas, generate sustainable outdoor living spaces, or bring indigenous art, culture and history to your school, community or workplace, Felton have an outdoor furniture solution for you. To create an outdoor space that will be used and enjoyed for years to come, contact the team on 1800 834 016.


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