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May 2024 Blog How to Upgrade Your Park on a Budget

The importance of keeping community spaces up-to-date

In a world increasingly dominated by screens and indoor activities, the role of accessible, safe, and modern outdoor spaces is more important than ever. Parks are not just open spaces; they are community hubs, playgrounds, and essential contributors to public health. However, the benefits of a park are directly proportional to its state of upkeep and modernity. As times change, however, so should our parks to remain attractive, safe, and functional.

Here are a few ways to upgrade your park on a budget:

1. Selecting the right equipment

Purchasing high-quality and durable outdoor equipment is a critical component of park maintenance. By investing in robust and long-lasting pieces, such as those offered by Felton, you can minimise future costs and ensure a safer environment. Felton products are built with longevity in mind, offering unmatched durability and weather resistance.

One of the popular products is the Aluminium Outdoor Shelters & Park Shelters. These covered benches transition well throughout each season, providing much-needed shade during the warmer months and shelter during unexpected rain.

2. Leveraging grants for large expenses

Some necessary pieces of equipment can carry a hefty price tag, but this shouldn't deter councils from making necessary upgrades. Grants offer a viable solution to cover large costs without putting strain on the budget.

The grant process may seem like a long process, but with a bit of research and assistance, it can be navigated smoothly. Various grants are available to cater to specific needs, from equipment upgrades to complete park revamps, ensuring that every park can benefit from these financial aids.

3. Buying on sale or in bulk

Outdoor furniture businesses like Felton often offer sales and bulk discounts, making it considerably more cost-effective for those looking to upgrade their park spaces. Furthermore, when comparing cost prices, Felton consistently offers competitive rates compared to other suppliers, making it a smart choice for budget-conscious councils and schools.

For more information on current discounts and bulk offers, check out Felton's product sales section.

Updating parks, a worthy investment

Updating parks is not only essential for maintaining safety and community engagement but also for promoting sustainability. Selecting quality equipment, leveraging grants, and taking advantage of sales or bulk discounts ensure that this process isn't financially burdensome.

Felton, with its wealth of experience working within tight budgets and offering competitive prices, makes the process even smoother. The results of such investments are clear - safer, more attractive parks that draw in more people and foster a stronger sense of community.

Looking to upgrade your park? Contact our experts for advice on transforming it into an attractive community area for years to come.

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