Locker room seating for Monbulk Community Pavilion
With a strong sense of community, and an idyllic location in the hills of Victoria’s famous Dandenong Ranges, the town of Monbulk offers a relaxed and charming place to live. When the existing pavilion at the local sportsground was no longer adequate to support the communities’ needs, the Yarra Ranges Council planned an impressive new facility to replace it. The objective of the new Monbulk Community Sports Pavilion was to create “a modern facility for the whole community and provide local clubs with the capacity to further develop their sports and activities within the surrounding community” that is “accessible and welcoming to all.” The facility was built by the Yarra Ranges Council, with the financial assistance of the Australian and Victorian Governments and a combination of Monbulk’s local sporting clubs.
The successful tender for the project, Rodine Australia, contacted the team at Felton Industries regarding seating for the new changeroom facilities. Importantly, they wanted seating that would maximise the available space, be large enough to store bags and strong enough to handle the demands of enthusiastic sporting teams while offering comfort, safety and visual appeal. Felton’s design team created customised Double Plank Bench Seats that perfectly matched requirements. Built to supplied specifications, they made full use of the space allocated to seating. At 500mm wide, they offered ample seating space along with plenty of room for bags and sporting equipment. Made from premium, Australian aluminium and finished with a marine grade anodized coating, the Double Plank Bench Seats are perfect for wet and steamy changeroom environments and are as tough as they are attractive. And, fitted with Felton’s patented Safety End Caps as standard equipment, there are no rough edges that might tear clothes or cause scratches.
Delivered on time and on budget, our customised Double Plank Bench Seats were the perfect finishing touch on an impressive project, appreciated by the builder and community alike.
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