Sunshine Coast Stadium seating
The Sunshine Coast Stadium is a comprehensive sporting facility operated by the Sunshine Coast Council. Despite its impressive list of features, seating provisions for players, coaches and officials near the field, proved to be inadequate for the task. Comprised of single seats, they filled with water when it rained and required constant maintenance and repair. Tasked with finding a more suitable replacement in a very tight timeframe, the contractor, Conbuild Pty Ltd, contacted the Felton Industries team.
Having supplied outdoor seating solutions to sporting venues all around Australia, the Felton team were able to recommend a simple solution. A combination of our 2 metre and 3 metre Above Ground Bench Seats, able to be bolted down to provide absolute stability, precisely filled the available space. Constructed from premium Australian aluminium, they require virtually no maintenance and can easily withstand challenges posed by wild weather and excited players. Finished with Felton Industries’ patented Safety End Caps as standard, creating smooth edges to remove any risk of scratches or tears, the Above Ground Bench Seats are as safe, dependable and long-lasting as they are stable.
We were particularly gratified when, on the basis of our speedy solution and quality service, Conbuild called back the next day. Needing additional seating for player interchange benches, they chose a number of Above Ground Bench Seats with Backrests. Greatly appreciated by the client, the Felton team was able to combine both orders and ship them within just five working days, saving time and freight costs.
The finished project looks right at home. The Sunshine Coast Council was very pleased with the outcome and the players and officials now have comfortable seating that will stand the test of time.
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